Join us for a lightning-round introduction to the AI technology that has reset broadband sales benchmarks in just the past three years.
Funding, competition, and federal mandates are accelerating the importance of rapid subscriber acquisition for fiber startups, ILECs, municipalities, and established community providers alike. Most broadband providers understand the crucial role marketing plays in winning customers and are investing in community involvement, targeted digital ads, mailers, and more. However, they face an unsuspecting obstacle to marketing success —unoptimized sales operations. While data and personalization have long been staples of marketing, the same technology-driven efficiency has been largely absent from the final step — actually making the sale. But no longer.
This session offers an unpretentious breakdown of how traditional sales methods are bottlenecking providers' growth despite excellent marketing efforts. Discover how new AI software has bridged this gap and set a new standard for how providers of all sizes, like Alaska Communications, Breezeline, and altafiber, maximize sales opportunities. By leveraging AI, broadband providers are personalizing the hard-earned sales engagements that their marketing efforts generate, ultimately boosting ARPU and improving take rates and net adds. In just 15 minutes, you'll see how to deploy ready-made broadband AI into your sales operations and the real-world results it has driven for providers across the country since it hit the scene in 2020.